
2004-02-25 - Smooched
I rolled out of bed this morning, turned around to make it and found a single silver confetti star laying on the flannels near my pillow. I have no idea where it came from. Hmmmm...Farie kisses.

I should have taken a picture, but instead you will get subway thug Jesus. Please note how much dust was knocked off as the sticker was slapped up.

2004-02-24 - Notsosweet
After laying off nutrasweet for a couple days, I'm feeling much, much better. I was drinking massive quantities of crystal light drinks as a knee jerk reaction to cravings that I now suspect are for
Berocca. I stopped drinking Berocca every morning `cause Sucrose is listed as an ingredient and I'm trying to cut carbs. Baaad Drew.

2004-02-23 - Mostly
This was a weekend of rest. I had every intention of going out Friday night, going riding both days and attending some afternoon beer busts. I ended up sleeping, reading and watching DVDs. I'm hard pressed to recall if I left my block more than three times, and then never wandered more than two blocks away. All three times for food.

For my weekend efforts I have a quickly diminishing stash of homemade sweets, an understanding of the second season of BVS, a mostly read book and a team of wickedly strong Pok�mon ready to pop out babies that know hard hitting moves.

I remain mostly unimpressed.

2004-02-21 - Goodies
We just finished making a batch of cookies and a batch of chocolate rice crispy treats with homemade carmel on top if anyone wants to come over and get some.

2004-02-17 - Social Lube
Growing up, I was taught the evils of alochol through both rote and action. Bad, Bad, Bad. Like many things in life, I've gone out and found out for myself just how bad. Seems Mom & Dad, while doin' their best to do well by me, sometimes went a little overboard on the "don'ts."

Yesterday I didn't really want to go to the IBR farewell party at the Lone Star. I did want to spend time with John & Joe, and that's where we were headin'. I had no intention of drinkin', and many times I don't drink. Yesterday was not one of those times. I didn't buy a single drink, but they kept comin'. The awkward barriers I've created in a few relationships fell away, tongues loosened and for awhile the worries went away.

Of particular note was Mother Soward's reference to Geoff as their forth child with the particular inflection that I am still included in the one through three count even though I don't much act like it. This coming right on the heels of noticing how tight Little Bob and Gene seemed to have gotten without me being around to notice. Another wagging tongue said something I very much wanted to hear, but still don't dare to believe.

Again I see the need for a beer bust, wagging tongues and lowered barriers. I'm now renewed in my thoughts that alochol can occasionally make for needful "social lube" that helps get past the rough parts of relationships. If only it came in a hangoverless variety.

2004-02-17 - See page 47
I've been feeling worn out lately. Mostly because of hectic things at work, a bit becasue of hectic things at home. For reasons I don't pretend to understand, laying low, staying home and "resting" just seems to make the funk worse. Drudging around during IBR weekend running on empty has certainly had it's high points, but hasn't really "fixed" anything. I'm more worn out now that I was before the weekend started. I'm wondering if I just need to burn out to a breaking point and charge up from scratch.

This is one of those many times I wish I had an in depth DrewBear maunal with a handy index so I could just look up the solution and do it. Or just do something.

2004-02-12 - PushPod
Thanks to the advice from
HapGood, yesterday I pushed all the data I could ever want to back up onto my iPod.

�You know those pictures I put in the margins most days? For every little pic you see in the journal, there are at least ten more 1MB files. They are all on the iPod now. And my PDA database. And my smutfarm. And all my writings, etc.

Now all I have to do is figure out how to keep iTunes from crashing my machine every time I put an audio CD in either drive. (...and maybe even...{gasp} them).

2004-02-11 - Any Port in a Pod
My trip to Eureaka was hard, but satisfying. I will probably go back in the beginning of March. All the new gear I've acquired since the last trip didn't keep me from gettin' cold, but it did keep me from gettin' cold as fast. I only needed to stop about once every two hours rather than once an hour.

I like my new iPod. Especially that it grabbed the "learn to speak scottish gaelic" mp3s off my PC on the sly and popped one into the random mix on the way up. I was delighted that I remembered all the phases for that particular section even though I hadn't listened to it for more than eight months. The trip was about 11� hours of driving--the iPod lasted about seven of that. (Sad Face) Maybe a 12 volt auto adapter is in order for this Summer. On this trip the 12 volt port was being used to keep me warm.

2004-02-09 - Lost Thought
I was having profound thoughts about something yesterday, but I forget. I guess you're not going to get those delicious gems of knowledge.

Instead, Weekend Bullets:
* Friday Evening was dinner with
John & Joe and Jeff & Jake at Red Grille.
* Saturday evening was a Cigar party over at Alan's place in Fremont
* Sunday morning Jordan and I rode down to the NorCal Second Sunday breakfast at Hobies in Belmont.
* After breakfast on Sunday we rode out to Half Moon Bay via 92, then up the coast home.
* I basked in the sun at StarBears for a good chunk on Sunday afternoon.
* I had every intention of going to the Lone Star later, but didn't.

2004-02-05 - Wording
"Challenge, Opportunity, Possibility"
sounds so much, sane than
"Pain, Fire, Chaos"
but still pays all the appropriate respects.

Unfortunately, it will not fit on the back of an iPod.

2004-02-03 - Postal Rain
I didn't end up getting to make my trip to Eureka. Maybe next week.

I figured since I didn't get to ride in the rain, at least I would walk in it. Walked to work again today and will most likely walk to work again tomorrow come rain or shine or �dead of night?

Busy week planned for this week. Hopefully that will be a good thing.

2004-02-02 - Solless
It is cold and wet--this normally wouldn't bother me. I was climbing the steps out of the underground this morning, and felt a few raindrops kiss my head before I could get my hat on. I suddenly remembered a short I saw when I was very young of futuristic school children watching rain out of their classroom window waiting for something. While they were all putting on sunglasses/hats and personal protective gear, they were teasing a cute blonde and locked her into some kind of coat closet. Moments later the clouds started to break, and the kids went out and played in an accelerated spring and summer. I don't remember why, but I got the distinct impression that this only happened once in a great while, and that they were so unused to sunlight they needed the gear to protect themselves. The blonde girl sat forgotten in the closet crying with a strip of sunlight shining between the double doors onto the palms of her hands. The accelerated summer gave way to the rain clouds and all the kids came back inside, horrified to find that they'd left the blonde in the closet. Someone gave her a quickly wilting buttercup by way of an apology. It bothers me that I thought of the short this morning. Not the short itself, but why my subconscious chose to trigger it. Maybe I just need some sun.

It is cold and wet--this normally wouldn't bother me. I rarely need to visit out Eureka office. It is cold AND wet AND I want to ride up to Eureka. The combination of the three is a bit distressing. If I was a safe, sane person I would be asking my procurement people to rent me a car. Instead I am a stubborn independent person.

May Simbul guide me along the Edge. May Sigil take delight in my discomfort. May Brigit keep me safe.
