
2004-06-28 - City Halls
I was beverages field manager for San Francisco Pride again this year. Basically that means working 5pm Friday evening `til 10pm Sunday night making sure all the boys get thier beer. I like to think I'm helping people get laid.

Sunday at about 11am I was hauling liquor though the ground floor of City Hall for the VIP reception where I stumbled on a long hallway lined with pictures of our recent same-sex wedding ceremonies in the rotunda above. Already on the edge of exhaustion, I cried. It is a big deal to take a stand and make gay weddings happen. It is a much more tender thing to honor them in such a way. I'm getting teary eyed now just thinking about it.

2004-06-22 - Star Shake
For anyone who might give a damn, I earned a third star on my
pok�mon trainer card last night before heading out to the movies with John & Joe.

We went to see Dodge Ball. Way fun. Be sure to sit through the credits.

2004-06-21 - CrawDaddy
The shoes I wore from 1985-1990 are now resting on the Shoe Tree in Nevada. You can read about it and see pictures over at
Sister Betty's Road Trip 2004 Day 1.

I had adventures this weekend. Mostly windy. Saturday on the way back to our campsite from the Isleton Crawdad Festival, I got to be Alpha Biker `cause I was the only one who knew the way. I also had two twenty pound bags of quickly melting ice strapped to the back of Tainn. For reasons I don't pretend to understand, maybe it was because I looked like I knew where I was going--maybe it was because ice on the back of a bike is usually an indicator of a good party, our group was infiltrated by handsome big beefy graybeards (a couple of them bitch-equipped) who chose to ride mixed in our group behind me even when I yielded for them to pass. It made me feel all testosteroni.

I rolled out of camp Sunday with wanderlust and was determined to go home via new routes. I didn't look at a map and ended up taking a nice long way home. Not at all what I expected, but very nice. I still need to look at a map and try to trace my route. Or maybe not.

2004-06-16 - LemonHead
I swear I had no alcohol.

2004-06-15 - Limits

I know I cannot hold the sky.
Why oh Why
Do I Try?

2004-06-13 - RBB
I walked out of my flat just a little while ago to check out StarBears. Not ten steps out of my door on Castro Street, I heard someone on the street woofing at me. I was a tall guy on a black BMW motorcycle. I think a K100. He had on a full face helmet, sunglasses and had a big bushy red mustache. He rode away too quickly for me to check him out more cloesly or do anything about it. If anyone knows who he is, please direct him to my
website so I can get in contact with him.

Mmmmm...Red Beemer Bear.

2004-06-07 - 2 upper
A nice full weekend. SDTimBear flew up for a visit. We had a nice dinner Friday night. Saturday morning we had breakfast with John & Joe then all went to watch Prisoner of Azakaban on Imax. Sunday Tim and I went riding to Fort Funston and Alice's before heading over to the Lone Star Beer Bust.

Other than working on smoothing out my shifting, I'm getting pretty decent at riding 2 up with guys heavier than I am. While I can understand why the timing is different, it is not intuitively obvious why the extra weight makes the process of shifting different. My goal was to be able to safely transport a 250# man by the end of the summer. I've done that with three different men already. Now my goal is to be able to not only safely, but also effortlessly, transport up to 275# of man by the end of the summer.

2004-06-01 - Newbie Dance
The `49er Rally this weekend was eye opening. Having gone all by myself, I got to feel all that "I'm the new guy" anxiety. I also got to get over it and make some new friends. I enjoyed riding with some of these guys Sunday morning more than I have with many other groups. With the exception of one guy, everyone else was a better rider than me, and while they rode hard, I never felt unsafe. I'm lookin' forward to goin' on another spin with `em.

For reasons I don't pretend to understand, I am irrationally jealous of some other folks' weekend. I am not very proud that I feel this way. Especially `cause if I wasn't so stubborn/independent I could have probably done the same thing they did. or even hopped back and forth and done both. I mention this mostly as a reminder to myself to think carefully next time these sorts of choices come around. Sometimes I'm so busy making sure that I'm dancing rather than sitting it out that I forget that I'm fortunate to have a choice of dance partners. I have more than three options for labor day weekend so far. Cross your fingers for me and hope that I make good choices.

The pictures are of my campsite this weekend in a bull pen at a county fairground, and a tiny baby praying mantis that was playing in my forearm fur.
